
There are a never ending number of What to Pack in you Birth Bag posts and lists out there, we even have our own! But as a birth partner what do you need?

If you have been chosen as a birth partner, you will want to be prepared for the birth. One important aspect of preparation is packing a bag with everything you will need to provide support and comfort to the woman (or person) giving birth AND to keep yourself looked after too.

To support someone in labour you need to make sure you’re in the best state possible too.

Here are some items that you should consider packing in your bag for birth:

  1. Snacks and Drinks: Birth can be a long and tiring experience, and it’s important to stay fuelled and hydrated. Pack snacks and drinks that are easy to eat and will provide energy, such as granola bars, nuts, fruit, and water.
  2. Comfortable Clothes: Make sure that you pack comfortable clothes that will allow you to move and provide physical support. Consider packing a change of clothes in case you get wet or sweaty during the birth.
  3. Massage Oil or Lotion: Massage can be a helpful way to provide physical comfort and pain relief during birth. Pack massage oil or lotion that is safe for use and that the person actually giving birth likes!
  4. Entertainment: Birth can be a long and sometimes tedious process, and it’s helpful to have some entertainment options to pass the time, especially if it’s an induction. Pack books, magazines, music, or other entertainment options that can be enjoyed during downtime. (But not in the middle of active labour!)
  5. Toiletries: Pack toiletries that will allow you to freshen up during the birth. This may include toothpaste, toothbrush, deodorant, and other personal care items.
  6. Camera: Consider packing a camera, or making sure you have a charged phone if your phone camera is decent. Make sure that you have permission from the woman (or person) giving birth to take photos or videos, and be respectful of their privacy and preferences.
  7. Notes or a Cheat sheet from your birth prep. class. One of the important things I do with all my client is get the partner to create a ‘cheat sheet’ with reminders of all the tools and techniques they have learnt in class, so you can prompt during labour. Make a note of tools and techniques you have learnt together and pop them in your bag.

In conclusion, packing a bag for birth as a birth partner is an important part of preparation for the childbirth experience. By packing snacks and drinks, comfortable clothes, massage oil or lotion, entertainment, toiletries, a camera, and your cheat sheet you can provide support and comfort and help to make the birth experience a positive and empowering one.

Also keep in mind that as a birth partner the most important thing you can do is be present, just being there with your partner is important too, you don’t always need to be doing something, using a specific tool etc. But of course that doesn’t fit neatly in my list!

What else would you add to a birth partner bag?