
Anxiety is perfect for when you suddenly get plonked down in the middle of the jungle.

Imagine you’re suddenly dropped off alone in the middle of the jungle as the sun starts to set. Whilst it might look rather idyllic in this photo, ending up in the jungle, especially with night approaching would mean there really is danger all around you.

In this case it would be wise to stay on red alert, worrying about all of the dangers, being hyperaware, thinking about what could go wrong, these instincts are going to help you survive. It would increase your reactions, that primitive part of your brain that is there for your survival would take over and do its very best to ensure you make it through the night.

The problem comes when we bring that level of stress, worry and anxiety into our daily life, when we stay on that red alert unnecessarily. Filling our body with stress hormones, we get locked into that primitive cycle, in our non primitive, modern day world.

When this happens, we never feel completely relaxed, that part of our mind that warns us never stops pointing out worries, and our sleep suffers too, because that primitive part of our brain doesn’t feel safe, we really shouldn‘t sleep if danger is all around us, and the primitive brain sometimes does believe this even when it’s not actually true. You know that feeling when you just want to find a switch and turn off your brain at night, that’s this primitive response keeping you up.

If this is something you can relate to, and you need help breaking the cycle, book a hypnotherapy initial consultation with Jade.