Islay’s Birth

Islay’s Birth

Roberto and I are incredibly happy to welcome Islay Sofia (8lb 7ounces, 50.6cm) into our world, born naturally at home in the early hours of Monday morning, 14th November. A brief recall of my experience: I started to feel period like pangs throughout the Sunday. My...
Coby’s Birth

Coby’s Birth

I think I was probably one of the first mums in the area to be offered induction under the new guidelines at 40 weeks +7 days rather than the previous 40 weeks +12, and had it not been for my hypnobirthing sessions with Jade informing me of the pros and cons of...
Positive Induction Birth Experiences

Positive Induction Birth Experiences

“If you’ve made the decision to be induced, you’ve probably heard your fair share of negative birth experiences, we have a terrible habit of sharing our negative stories more than our positive. I asked some local mums to share some of their positive...
Complementary Therapies

Complementary Therapies

There are lots of lovely complementary therapists locally, complementary therapists can be a great support during pregnancy. Please be sure to check the therapist has adequate training and is trained to work with pregnant women. If you’re unsure of a treatment...