Yulia’s Story

Yulia’s Story

My birth story started well before my second pregnancy. After I gave birth to my first child lying on my back with epidural on, purple face pushing and bad tearing, feeling hopeless and clueless and having to go through many months of painful postpartum recovery, I...
Laura’s Story

Laura’s Story

This was my 1st pregnancy and fortunately fantastic where my biggest issues were heartburn & sore feet! I had waited three years to fall pregnant naturally and loved being pregnant. I hoped to have a calm and positive birth so attended Jade Gordon’s course...
Florence’s Birth

Florence’s Birth

After giving birth to my first daughter by induction, which ended in a cloudy memory of stirrups, episiotomy and pain (which continued after birth and through a traumatic breastfeeding journey) I was determined to have a far more positive and, more importantly,...
An Aberdeen Midwife Unit Birth

An Aberdeen Midwife Unit Birth

Right, as my baby has now been in the outside world as long as he was inside me I think it’s finally time I posted my birth story! At a 39 week scan I was told the baby was big, already estimated to be over 8lb and packed off up to see a consultant. Fortunately...
Felix’s Birth

Felix’s Birth

It’s taken me a long time to write this – not just because I have 3 very busy kids (!) but I have been left with some PTSD from my pregnancy and that’s made remembering the details quite difficult. But I wanted to properly write about how Jade helped...