Share Your Birth Story
Sharing birth stories are such a wonderful way to help inspire those preparing for birth. If you are happy to share you birth story I would really appreciate it. Especially if there were specific ways you used the techniques or particular things that you found helped.
I think sharing a variety of stories is really important, even when birth doesn’t go to plan, if you feel you can help inspire mums to be I would love it if you could share your story. Simply fill in the form below and attach any images you are happy to share and we will add your story to our blog soon. We’ll also share a link to it on our Facebook page and in the SONA Mum group. Sometimes I like to share snippets from these stories in newsletters, if you happy with this please check the box below.
We will use you and your partner’s first name and baby’s first name in the post, if you would rather have no name or miss out your partners name or baby’s etc. please just let us know.
And thank you so much for offering to share your story.