

Hi lovely, welcome to the SONA Mum website. I’m sure you’ve been enjoying all the wonderful things Lee and Sarah have to share with you on your parenthood journey.

Thanks for stopping by here too, I wanted to prepare a special page just for these on the Pre/Post Natal Max Experience.

If you’ve been through the videos you’ll be familiar with me (Jade) and what hypnobithing is really about. I’ve created some options specially for you below. If you have an questions do get in touch!

Hypnobirthing Classes - Online

Bespoke hypnobithing classes in the comfort of your own home using video link. No matter where you are in the world you can access this service.

Full Hypnobirthing Antenatal Class


  • Bespoke hypnobirthing course lasting 6hrs (usually in 3sessions)
  • Complete set of MP3s – sent to you when you book so you can start straight away
  • Ongoing support through phone/email/WhatsApp
  • [Optional – reviewing any past birth experiences]

£260 (Usual cost £360)

This is a full antenatal class and covers breathing, relaxation, understanding your birthing body so you can work with it, role of the birth partner, fear release, induction of labour, decision making in labour. These sessions are bespoke allowing me to tailor the sessions to your individual needs.

Pregnant woman touching her belly

Use the Contact Form below to get in touch, or visit our Contact Us page(Remember to mention the MAX Experience when contacting us)

Mindful Breastfeeding - Online

Breastfeeding – it’s supposed to be natural and easy, right?! Or perhaps you’ve heard the opposite, that it’s painful and difficult?

Having support is absolutely vital, as well as understanding what’s normal and when and where to ask for help. Our Mindful Breastfeeding classes enable us to share everything we wish we’d known when we were expecting:

– How breastfeeding works, including breast anatomy and hormones
– Positioning and attaching baby
– How to work with your body (not against it)
– What’s normal in those early weeks/months
– How to find support
– Along with your classes you get ongoing support through phone/email and 4 MP3s to listen to and help you relax

Online bespoke classes are available for MAX Experience participants for £95 (usually £150) 2h30mins, this is usually split into two sessions.

Get in touch using the contract for below to book dates to suit.

Birth Trauma Recovery - Online

I am passionate about women feeling empowered and in control in labour, no matter which path your birthing takes, you should feel well cared for and treated with kindness. Mum and birth partner should be kept informed and feel confident in their caregiver. A healthy mum and baby are important – but that’s not all that matters.
Any birth experience that was frightening for one or both parents, often with a feeling of loss of control can be traumatic, even when mum and baby are well.

Labours which are long, have lots of intervention or where medical problems occur are more likely to result in birth trauma.

The Rewind technique is a hypnosis technique which is very effective and well tested. It aims to separate the memory of the event from the negative feelings, allowing the feelings to be processed, so the memory no longer provokes the anxiety, fear, sadness or panic. This allows the person to move forward with their life.

You can book a free call with me to talk more about Birth Trauma Recovery Sessions.
Book a FREE Call

This involved 3 hypnotherapy sessions and costs £95 (Usual cost £120).

Contact Jade to Book

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