When most mums picture their HypnoBirth it’s a birth free of intervention, maybe it’s a home birth, a water birth in the midwife unit or maybe even a birth in labour ward which is calm birth, supported by their birth partner, and women focused. It’s not usually an induction, with all of the intervention, additional monitoring and observation that generally goes along with it.

Induction is a choice for women and should always be presented as a choice, knowing this and choosing an induction can help you feel more empowered by your decision (that’s a topic for another day though!).

Induction is a wonderful thing – for those times when it would be safer for mum and baby for baby to be born, it gives mum the chance for a vaginal birth rather than a surgical birth.

HypnoBirthing tools and techniques are fantastic to have for induced labours, I can say this for sure as my first HypnoBirth was an induction due to increased blood pressure. I’ve included some of my top tips below:


Step 1 – Give Yourself a Confidence Boost

It’s pretty common for mums to be really worried about an upcoming induction, many have heard negative induction stories. Approaching your birth with stress and fear doesn’t help things go smoothly. Here are some steps you can take to boost your confidence:

  • Read positive induction stories and comments from local mums
  • Know you’ve chosen it as best for you and baby, it is a choice, it’s still your birth, if you’ve decided induction is the best plan, own that decision
  • Understand the process of induction, ask your consultant/midwife lots of questions until you feel you understand what the process involves
  • Write some positive birth affirmations – short positive statements and recite them regularly, you can even write them out and stick them around the house. Alternatively try these lovely colouring in affirmation cards (these are a great thing to take with you while you’re waiting for things to start as induction can be slow).

Step 2 – Keep Mobile as much as you can

This will depend on how you’re feeling and why you’re being induced. But moving around can help get things moving. Being mobile doesn’t have to be marching up and down the hallways unless that’s what you feel like!

  • Birth Ball – there are some available at the hospital, small circles or figure of eights on the ball can feel really good
  • Walking can help too, I found walking once the pessary was in worked well
  • Mats – if you’d rather be on all fours in labour ward you can ask for something to kneel on
  • Just because there’s a bed in the centre of the room doesn’t necessarily mean you need to lie on it. Find something that feels good for you, kneeling on the bed leaning over the back, lying on your side if you need a rest, sitting on the birth ball beside the bed etc.



Step 3: Boost your own Oxytocin

Most women are given a synthetic version of oxytocin during their labour, you can help by producing your own oxytocin, here are some ways you can do this:

  • Great birth support: having a supportive birth partner can make such a difference, having someone with you that you love and trust can help boost your oxytocin level
  • Laughter – this is great in early labour when things are just getting started
  • Holding your partners hand, hugs and kisses can help increase oxytocin

I would recommend HypnoBirthing to any mums having an induced birth, group or one to one classes. If you’re pushed for time, send me an email and we can fit some sessions in to cover breathing, quick relaxation techniques and boost confidence.

Do you have any other tips of ideas for induction?


  1. joy

    Wonderful information and advice. Thank-you for spreading the good word about HypnoBirthing. It certainly transformed my birth in a way that I would wish for all moms <3

    • Jade

      Thanks Joy, I know exactly what you mean, I love being able to share HypnoBirthing, it definitely transformed my birth too!

  2. Laura

    Great article and easy to read in this format. I managed to avoid Induction the second time with Hypnobirthing.


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