
Hypnobirthing Classes in the Highlands

Join Georgina for a hypnobirthing group class, or a package of one-to-one sessions, and take back control of your birth experience.

We recommend starting group classes from 20weeks onwards, and one-to-one classes can be started earlier if you are feeling particularly anxious.

COVID-19 Update – Highlands Hypnobirthing

We’re pleased to share that our Highlands Hypnobirthing classes are back in person. Georgina offers in person group classes in Fort William, as well as relaxation classes and one to one in person options. There’s also the 4th Trimester Group and breastfeeding classes too, so you’ll be as prepared as possible for birth and parenthood.

Upcoming Hypnobirthing Classes

Fort William Classes

17th July: 13:30 – 16:30
24th July: 13:30 – 16:30
31st July: 13:30 – 16:30
Reserve Your Place


4th September: 13:30 – 16:30
11th September: 13:30 – 16:30
18th September: 13:30 – 16:30
Reserve Your Place


23rd October: 13:30 – 16:30
30th October: 13:30 – 16:30
6th November: 13:30 – 16:30
Reserve Your Place

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One to One Hypnobirthing with Georgina or Jade

If you’d rather book a one to one package we’ve got you covered. Our one to one sessions can be booked at times and dates to suit you, and will be tailored to your needs.

Hypnobirthing One to One with Georgina (In Person) (£299)

Join Georgina for a one to one hypnobirthing class tailored to your needs. These are much more flexible time and date wise and are perfect for those who want something that fits around their busy schedule, or for those who want to delve deeper and have a more tailored class.

If this sounds like exactly what you need, get in touch and we can answer any questions you have, check dates/times etc. and get started! Just fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you within 48hrs.

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Hypnobirthing One to One with Jade (Online) (£479)

Jade offers an in depth 7 week package, designed to help you be prepared for birth and parenthood, and to help you protect your mental health in pregnancy and early parenthood.

As a clinical hypnotherapist Jade goes much deeper than the standard hypnobirthing classes. This is perfect for anyone who is particularly anxious about pregnancy and birth, or who has had a previous traumatic birth, or previous or current mental health challenges.

If you’d like to talk more about this option, you can get in touch with Jade for a chat, or you can book your sessions and begin at any point in pregnancy.

Book your Sessions

Client Testimonials

We had classes with Georgina and they really helped to prepare us for the birth. I was really really fortunate to have access to some amazing relaxation techniques during labour at the most beautiful room in the midwife unit and I was able to put into context what I had been practicing.. I swear my body and my baby girl recognised my breathing and I had affirmations on repeat during the early stages that helped me to manage my discomfort. The classes really helped to inform me and my husband of our choices and meant we discussed things meaning he was confident too when I couldn’t verbalise wishes as I was very much in my birthing body at the time, this coupled with the amazing midwives made for a great experience. As a first time mum prone to panicking the classes and techniques learnt at Sona and practiced in yoga and at the midwife unit were invaluable and gave my little princess the most amazing introduction to the world. I see on my pregnancy record that 2nd stage labour was 25mins and 3rd was 2hrs and 9 mins which was pretty intense ..I’m really grateful and glad I took these classes to prepare mentally and physically as before I started I didn’t have a clue and would have never ever believed I would have managed with gas and air and relaxation. Feeling confident going into birth also meant I enjoyed pregnancy more as I wasn’t anxious about the birth.

Nathalie G.

Hypnobirthing Group Course, November 2019

I didn’t do much to prepare for the birth of my first son and as a result, I didn’t have a particularly positive experience of labour. When I fell pregnant again I decided that I was going to do things differently. I attended prenatal yoga and Jade’s hypnobirthing course. The course really helped disperse all of the apprehension that I felt about giving birth again. I felt really positive about what was to come and in a weird way, I was looking forward to it! My second son was born calmly and dare I say, easily. I felt completely in control throughout and totally empowered. It was an intense but hugely positive experience. There is no doubt in my mind that it was all attributable to the knowledge that I had and the practice that I completed, as a result of Jade’s course. I have recommended hypnobirthing to all of my friends since and would recommend it to everyone! My view is that it should be taught instead of the typical antenatal classes!

Leah G.

One to One Sessions, October 2018

We’ve got you!

We know pregnancy can be an exciting time, but it can also be overwhelming and for most people the thought of giving birth is a little scary! That’s why I want to take a moment to reassure you that we get it! We are here to support you from the moment you sign up to when you baby is here. It is possible to feel prepared and ready for whatever birth you and baby (or babies) need, we’ve got you.