
Fourth Trimester Aberdeen – New Parent Resources

Hi, I’m Jade, hypnotherapist and psychotherapist and mum in Aberdeen. That’s my in the photo just after my first baby was born. I had no idea what was available and where to start in looking for support.

I run a couple of local pregnancy and birth groups and one of the most common questions is for resources, or classes or support for new parents locally, so I’ve created a list below of thing myself or my clients have recommended to me.

If you’re not already a member of our Aberdeen Fourth Trimester group, you can join here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/fourthtrigroupaberdeen

Support for You

Hypnotherapy & Hypnoparenting

Hypnotherapy is a great option is you feel you’re struggling; with Zoom sessions in the day, evening or weekends you can fit it around your week one. Book an initial consultation to see if it’s the best option for you.




Hypnoparenting is like Hypnobirthing for parenting! Learn how to work with your brain so you can feel more like you again. https://hypnoparentingcourse.com


Support Groups

We’re very lucky locally to have LATNEM providing peer support for mental health, with weekly face to face groups, zoom meetings, online chat and special events.  You can find out more at their website: https://latnem.org/



Arielle Ball and Naomi Dow at Breastfeeding Scotland are both IBCLC trained infant feeding specialists, and we hear almost weekly how big an impact they have made in people’s breastfeeding journeys. They are highly recommended.

Aberdeen Breastfeeding Facebook Group

In Person Breastfeeding Groups


Babywearing and Slings

Cloth Nappies

Post Natal Doula

Post natal doulas can be a wonderful support during those early weeks and months. 

Georgina and Jade offer this support in Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Lochaber, send Jade an email and we can arrange a chat through options. [email protected]

Other Post Natal Doulas in the area we’ve heard great things about include:

Victoria White based in Aberdeenshire is a caring, compassionate doula offering additional support in birth trauma recover and anxiety.

Baby Classes

Bonding with Baby

Baby Massage

Babywearing and Slings

Fitness Classes for You

Mummy MOT

Post Natal Yoga

Post Natal Pilates